Friday, October 29

Mid-Term Holiday

I can't believe i haven't posted in more than 20 days. Feels good to write again. I have been very busy lately and technically i still am. Going off to the gym soon and then im headed to the library. Today, (much like yesterday), im gonna spend my day at the library trying to start my goddamn essay (about feminism in psychology to those who are interested).
All this stress! But i suppose i did bring it on myself, i'm going to Spain next friday which in effect shortens the essay deadline by 4 days. I can't believe im actually going to Spain, just like that. Never been before and now its going to be one of those spur of the moment visits (like the prague visit). Checked out some pictures of Santander (pronounced Sant-Ander, apparently the intonation changes after "sant", its hard to explain). The city looks beautiful...

What else...can't think of anything. Anything other than i have to get going.
(Wireless Access Point arrives today!!! Thanks Firas, ur a legend!)

Will post more often from now on...

Friday, October 8

Overload @ Uni

Im being flooded with work. Yesterday was quite shite. Went to the Dog and it wasnt very exciting. But what can you say, leicester is only fun on certain nights these days. Considering enrolling in a gym but to be honest i dont think i can afford it. Im already under budget but somehow eventhough i am, im not worrying about it. My next rent is due in Jan and i have like £1000 left. What the heck! I'll go there later today and see what they have to say. I hear it's only £20/month anyway.

Been buying alot of magazines lately. EDGE, EMPIRE and 3DWORLD to be precise. For those of you who dont know EDGE is a cross-platform game magazine with superslick design and is just cool to have :P Empire is one of the (if not THE) best film mags around. And 3Dworld is just great. I love anything 3d so i just had to. It's abit more expensive than the other ones but it has like 1 ad in the whole mag (which is what u pay for basically). Also bought "Eternal Sunshine" on DVD the other day. Such a great film. Everyone should watch it...

Random (stupid) qoute "Old people should be shot at birth" :P

Wednesday, October 6

Getting up early, can't sleep

Trying to get up early in the mornings. It's working out quite well except for the firtst time. That sucked big time. Bought "Eternal Sunshine" the other day. Such a good film. Love that film. Jim Carrey is a legend. His hair is straightened in that movie. When I first saw the movie at the cinema i was growing my hair (still am, kindof) and i saw his hair and said that i wanted to have hair like that. It's cool. But now i realise it's not his natural hair. Perming hair feels futile and unnecessary for some reason. Ive always had a problem with time-limits. Time-limits in games, on food (expiry dates in the likes of "consume within three days of opening"), deadlines, pretty much anything that makes you do something within a set time frame. Makes me anxious.
Alot of things happening in my life at the moment. Some stuff Im not ready to tell my friends. I don't think they take it. And frankly I don't think i would be able to handle their reaction either. This probably sounds more serious than it actually is. Things that happened in Prague have flown over to my current state of affairs. Im unsure of what to do. Don't know how to feel. Will have to wait and see. In two weeks. I'm in a peculiar mood at the moment.

Tuesday, October 5

Been away for awhile

Not really, just haven't had time to blog recently. Frankly Ive been here a couple of times but just havent been bothered to write anything. But now Im here and my fingers are on fire (well, they were about 10 minutes ago but i think i might have depleted all my energy writing an email to a certain someone ;). Anyhow, alot has happened in the past few days/weeks and i dont know where to start.
I went to Prague with Ronnie to visit my brother who is doing an medical exchange there. Prague is a extremely beautiful (& european) city. Very picturesque! Prague was a great getaway from the grey and dull england. And i realized when i was there that maybe (most likely) england isnt the place for me. I wish my course had an ERASMUS exchange program, but they don't so i have to spend the next two year here (actually its more like 1yr because it seems that i spend 6 months of the year in sweden and the rest here). Met a very nice girl when i was in Prague. She lives in Spain. Im hopeful and i'll keep you posted on any interesting events. Might well be visiting her there very soon indeed. Could use some nice warm weather now that the english "winter" is closing in on us. Meeting her in London on the 19th, luckily i got some super cheap bus tickets down. £4 return!! though i have to spend 4h alone before i can meet her and a few hours afterwards, which is pretty gay. But I'm sure i can find something fun to do. Its London after all. Need new shoes. Maybe ill do some shopping.
On another, more academic note, Uni has started and I'm pumped! I've actually gone to the first two lectures and I'm intending to go to the coming ones aswell (even though the next two ones are 8.30 ones). Mornings are cold, cold isnt really my cup of tea. Ever! So im not liking the recent atmospheric changes around this little island. No choice but to bite my (frostbitten) tongue and move on along.