Monday, July 11

Exam frenzy (again)

Now is the time to start thinking about exams again. For those of you who didn't know, i am one of the lucky people able to attend the resits in September for my two january exams. For this privilege i have had to cut my summer vacation short by about 2 months. I wouldn't change a thing. My life is perfect (sarcasm in all its glory)
I hear you ask why, well. I have in my life never failed an exam (except for that one physics exam in high school :D) and the ones i failed in january failed to light my arse on fire (much like the failed physics exam did). Usually what a failure manages to accomplish in me is to awaken this incredible passion for study and learning that unfortunately only lasts for a couple of days, one week tops, after which i return to normal. This time however i have acutally come to realise the seriousness of the consequences if i am to fail these exams. 1) I am kicked out 2) I am "allowed" to redo the year. Out of these two alternatives i naturally dread the former. The latter allowing me atleast a second (technically third) chance. Suffice it to say that i will be spending the next 7 weeks with my face buried within heaps and heaps of books about child development, intelligence, memory, visual perception, abnormal and other types of psychology :D wouldn't you just love being me right now??..huh??

Japanese is going good, my latent learning method has proven useful for this period of inactivity as i really haven't forgotten much since i was last in Japan. Listening to music and mailing friends in japan is keeping me updated and learning new words. I had planned to finish my textbook during the summer but due to recent events i don't know when i'll be able to. But i will ganbarimasuuuu (do my best) :D

Wednesday, July 6

Happenings of late

Story: there's a girl (girl A) living in our flat now who's from afghanistan. My dad picked up her sister (girl B) from the streets in gothenburg one night when he was working his taxi shift (she had just been smuggled to sweden and that's where the smuggler left here, seeing this poor girl my dad picked her up and brought her home to us!). she then lived with us for a while (this was about 2-3 yrs ago i think). Now she is married with some dude and lives in another city about 1h away from here.
Anyway, that's beside the point. Her sister (girl A) came from afghanistan a year or so ago and now lives with us as she helps my mum in the cafe and with other household stuff. She has an "arranged marriage" husband that lives in holland. She now sleeps in my old room and i sleep in the computer room (which is perfect if u think about it :D) So when i came home that night from the club, pissed off my face i went straight to bed, still drunk. I sleep and wake up around 7-8 am. That is the time when my mum and the girl are usually going downstairs to start opening the cafe. So i get up to get some water and go to the toilet, half-sleeping. I go out of the toilet and instead of going back to my room i for some reason or other go into the other room. I sit down on the bed. A few moments later when i turn around to lay on the bed im met by two eyes scared shitless. I hear a loud "GET OUT" and im on my way out...i realised what i had done and went back to my room to sleep. I met my mum on the way out who asked what had happened and i explained in my dazed state what had just transpired and her exact response was "oh...ok". I go back to bed. I wake up around 11 am again. I go downstairs to have some breakfast and as i get into to the cafe my mum tells me to apologize to the like what for? Oh for going into her room? I was like "ok...i suppose i should". So i did. To me and my family (and everyone else?) this was a minor incident, no biggie. But to this girl it was a huge deal. She thought (i kid you not!!!) i had come into the room to rape her. No joke! i was like..."what the fuck" this girl for real or what. Me?Rape someone? hehe...

This is funny to me.