Thursday, July 29

Comics & Grammar

All these new comics-made-movies have made me wanna start reading comics again, well...start reading period!, as I never really did read comics as such. I did read the occasional one but i was never a subsciber to any Marvel comics or anything. As i'm a big fan of Manga and Anime its fun to see alot of comics being made into movies. Okay, alot of them aren't the best works of art there ever was but some of them are good, entertaining. It's just fun to see what they do with them and how they adapt them to the big screen. I heard that the Spider-Man films are quite different from the comic. And I also think this recent trend is good for the comic industry as it has probably gotten alot of people interested in comics, i know it has made me more interested in them. Among the upcoming comic-movies, the one I'm not looking forward to is: Catwoman...That one just screaming "Flop"! Come one....lame! And i'm very undecided (!) about Alien v. Predator, dodgy combination, will it work? only time will tell.

I also saw "American Splendor" recently. About this comic writer guy talking about how he came to write comics. Sad story and made sadder still by the fact that he hasnt really "made" it, ie made loads of money from it. Atleast that's what he says himself. The movie's not very exciting but there's one part where he's talking about names that kinda got me thinking...See it if only for that part. Should be on dvd by now.

A short note on grammar....I think one important stage my learning japanese is what I would like to call "reverse-conjugation". This phenomonen is specific to Japanese i think (as far as i know, swedish, english, french, or farsi don't require this skill). Being able to identify a verb in its conjugated form and taking it back to its basic present tense. It's kinda like catching eeeh....something that has a power and u catch it and use that power. Lame explanation but it's late and im tired. This might not make sense to anyone who doesnt know or is studying Japanese but I thought I'd put it down on "paper"...was thinking of it before. It's an important stage i think...continually big stage = Kanji!!! buahaha... ;(

Sunday, July 25

Damn you Apple

Guess what's out....a new iPod that's what!!! Its new and improved (remixed) ofcourse, offering 3h more playtime and a nice new clean look (3 adjectives in a row, can u do that?). And i have to say it does look nicer than the old model. Plus, it's lot cheaper for some reason, maybe they're (finally) pushing the price down due to high sales of the previous version(s). Thanks apple/ipod users for that one. I bought my 20GB iPod for £275 (w/ student discount) in January this year, the price tag for this new wonderful piece of technology is £219. And that's the ordinary price. Seeing as i got a £25 student discount, that would set the new one a pricetag of less than £200...that's affordable even for a poor (:P) student like myself. it's Sooo worth it...

I love this new iPod, its sleek and it's simple. And most of all it's a superb music player. Just the way i like my gadgets, beautiful and super functional ;) But what am i to do?? Vain as it may sound I'm actually considering buying the new one...anyone want to buy my current one give me a bell. I'm not joking! ;)

Thursday, July 22

Japan travel diary

By the way, for those of you who missed my Japan travel journal, it can still be viewed at this address

All the pictures and stuff are still there. I dont know how much longer they will be on there. But if u want to keep it and read it at a later time you can download the diary as a text file. Just incase they take it down, u know...;) And also if it gets taken down all the pics get taken down too, so take your chance and grab them while you can


Verbs, Verbs, Verbs

Started thinking about verbs the othe day and decided to take notes of the most useful ones. The ones i use often and hear often. Wrote them down and looked them up in Japanese. There are now like 40 new verbs in my notebook that i have to learn. And new ones are added everyday as they pop up in my mind. And they keeping coming, faster than i can beat them into my head at that. Some are harder than others to look up because they depend on other variables, i save them for later (like, do X in hope of Y, they exist). But i dont plan to learn them all in a week or anything...I'll just keep them in that file and then ill use them as i need them and hopefully they'll come in handy. Also i give them to my friends (the ones that know japanese) to make sure they're not ancient words, don't wanna walk around speaking like something out of their equivalent of shakespeare :)

Also, trying to look up adverbs as much as possible. They are quite useful i have come to understand ;) Enough with this language talk, im just babbling.

Other than sleeping, and japanese there's not much else going on here, unfortunately. Have sort of gotten into a routine but its more like "get up at around so and so time and then eat and then come up again and sit at the computer and see what happens", not very exciting. And if the weather is nice i go out and play with my friends ;) I would like to talk about something interesting here but im afraid i'll bore myself (and others) because i can't talk about politics and other "interesting" stuff. The reason? 1) because i don't know enough 2) because i don't think my opinions are very "out there" that they need to be discussed...enough? good. However, if there's something you especially want me to discuss i will, (can't think of anything anyone wud want me to discuss tho)

going out, ciao!

Monday, July 19

Awesome Manga & Vocab

Mr.Mottacki recently showed me this URL:

A source of loads of top quality manga, absolutely blew me away...maybe that's just me, i love my good manga art :D Maybe everyone does'nt appreciate that kind of stuff (u shud) but i absolutely love it.

On learning a new language,
A common misconception about me is that im clever (or maybe that's just what i think!lol) because i know 4 languages (6 if u count french and japanese but im not near fluent in any of them so i dont count them). But the fact of the matter is that I haven't learned any of the languages i know by studying them in any formal manner. Kurdish, Swedish and Farsi i grew up with and English i learned pretty much from watching TV. The only languages i have studied are french, which i stopped doing after 11th grade and i havent looked back since, and japanese which im currently studying.

One thing I've learnt about learning a new language while studying japanese, is that motivation means everything. In the long run, that's what keeps you coming back for more. It's crucial(!!)...umm, yea, crucial. Now that I'm back in sweden, studying japanese can sometimes feel abit static. I'm not getting anywhere and everything i learn i quickly forget because i dont use it. But then again, how do i know everything i know just have to stick with it and keep revising as often as possible!

Thursday, July 15

First post

I have decided!

to separate my personal website and the blog, so here's the blogsite. And as soon as i finish my website i will post the link here. Came back from a two week trip to Japan 5 days ago and now im just taking it easy and enjoying the rest of my holiday in the (lack of) sun here in Sweden.

Will be doing absolutely 'not much' for the next month and a half. Looking forward to many a interesting post (unlikely).

A bientot!

Ps. Spider-Man 2 is a good film, everyone should see it Ds.