Thursday, April 28

Beginner's luck?

Just came back from GALA casino and i'm very happy...why? I won ofcourse, how much? £25, that's like 5h work and i'm quite happy about it. I played only the Blackjack tables, only place i feel i have some control over what the fuck is going on. Though much of it is luck, there's more skill involved in BJ than say roulette.

Sandra's brother, Thomas, is up in Leicester for a few days visiting his sis and he's staying at the house with everyone else it would seem :D Have arvin staying here, as well as sandra. This is probably the only time i have had any guests of my own since i moved in.

Been reconsidering a career in Psychology. Went to the careers advice office the other day and had a look at some folders and stuff on prospective...things one can do after graduating and nothing really appealed to me to be honest. Have been thinking of doing either a postgraduate in something or just another degree once finished. Architecture has always fascinated me, the designing and construction of buildings has always boggled my mind, and i think i would be good at it. It would however mean that i will have to study for another 3, probably 5-6 years and thus the problem of financing arises. The swedish student loans company only grants loans for 5 years. Seeing as I've already used up 4 of those 5 by the time I graduate means i only have one more year to spare. That and the fact that tuiton fees will be tripled when the time comes for me to start my second degree, who will pay i wonder. If i can get the support of my parents then I'm sorted but perhaps a very nice (:D) sibling will be so nice to his younger brother as to support him financially, i can only hope.
All this providing i even get into Architecture. But i do think i would like it, i think it will give me a chance to express my creative and artistic side as opposed to my weaker analytical one(?), can only hope. If i decide to do that i will have to start building a portfolio, what that is supposed to contain i'm not sure yet. But i have emailed some people and hopefully soon i will get some answers.

Until then,

Monday, April 25

People are back

Yesterday was quite an eventful night. It was Amar's 21st birthday and we (me, ben, firas, amar, becky, jess and some other people) went out on a pubcrawl that ended in Lloyd's. On the way i hooked up with this girl and ended up coming back to mine and spending the night. Not my brightest moment but been a long time so i think i needed it. But it really made me think about the whole thing and realised how much better it would be if the first thought in the morning wasn't figuring out how to get rid of her as quickly and sublty as possible. Maybe if you actually enjoyed the girls company that wouldn't occur to you. Don't know, just random thoughts this late at night (!).

Today my brother came back from his 7-week trek through south america. He's got a proper nice sun tan, though it does look more like accumalted dirt than sun burn, healthy looking in any case. His girlfriend Sandra also returned from France today, bringing her 18yr old brother Thomas with her. Seems like a decent guy and will probably be good fun to hang out with.

Still haven't finished things that i had promised myself to finish before the end of the weekend. And now there is alot more to do and less time to do it in. I have about 2 weeks til the exams start and loads to do. First things first though, get the stupid practical report done.

More on psychology, been thinking about doing a MSc in something for a while now. Searched the internet yesterday for an interesting postgraduate course to do and came up with a MSc in Cross-cultural Studies. This is something that (this early in my psychology career) intrigues me and sparks my interest enough to actually read stuff on my own about. The 1-yr postgrad course is at Brunel Uni in the vicinity of London. Still don't know if that good or not, had applied to go there for my whole degree course but didn't get accepted at first. But i don't really take that to heart, as i didn't really get in Leicester either but through an internal transfer i was able to get in. So it's either staying here another year and doing a Msc or going to Japan and working for a year or so and just cotching and enjoying myself! See what happens, if i can even get by second year, at this rate it looks like even that will be a challenge.

anyhow, time to hit the sack...can't keep my eyes open for much longer and i've got a lecture 10.30 tomorrow (from next week i'll have no lectures and have loads of time to study for the exams, yippie. Adios amigos!!!

Monday, April 18

Back in the U.K

Arrived just yesterday after a long (but surpisingly comfortable) 12h flight + 2-3h train journey, was nackered once i got back and just unpacked a few necessities and then hit the sack. Need to get back to my old routines, still have about 2 weeks left worth of gym time which ive already paid for and might aswell take advantage of. Aswell as another 9 days to write my practical. When i got back i was told some good news regarding our internet, it has (finally) been restored to its former glory and also been bumped up free of charge to 3mb. Sooo Fast ;)

I think i still might be on Japan time so i should take advantage of it and get as much done as possible before i collapse again, though i suspect the jetlag won't bother me for more than what has already passed. Got a few hours sleep on the plane (which was quite bumpy due to the fact that i was at the absolute back, two rows from the end), i did have two seats for myself though which was nice.

Need to get off my ass now and get something done! The feeling of action paralysis is coming back and i dont want to end up doing nothing all day. So until next time, adios amigos!

Friday, April 15


Maaaa...havent updated in ages. Mainly because im in Japan at the moment and am really busy enjoying myself. Im sitting in an all-night internet cafe and waiting for morning so i can take the bullet train to tokyo! Im hungry, sleepy and not doing anything about either. If i sleep i reckon i wont notice the hunger so i will do just that.

As you also may have noticed i have changed the look of the blog. I get sick of the same thing very fast! Anyhows, not looking forward to going back to england, AT ALL...have loads of work to do and revising for exams isnt something i want to do right now. Not after spending a whole month in this great and fun country! Definately coming back after my degree and just chilling out for a while!

I also dislike my phone, mainly because i have seen how much better japanese phones are and really want one of them. And the closest thing to a japanese mobile u can find in europe is the "new" sony ericsson with a 1.3 megapix camera! they all have it here...some even with 2.0 mp.

sleepy ...