Friday, October 8

Overload @ Uni

Im being flooded with work. Yesterday was quite shite. Went to the Dog and it wasnt very exciting. But what can you say, leicester is only fun on certain nights these days. Considering enrolling in a gym but to be honest i dont think i can afford it. Im already under budget but somehow eventhough i am, im not worrying about it. My next rent is due in Jan and i have like £1000 left. What the heck! I'll go there later today and see what they have to say. I hear it's only £20/month anyway.

Been buying alot of magazines lately. EDGE, EMPIRE and 3DWORLD to be precise. For those of you who dont know EDGE is a cross-platform game magazine with superslick design and is just cool to have :P Empire is one of the (if not THE) best film mags around. And 3Dworld is just great. I love anything 3d so i just had to. It's abit more expensive than the other ones but it has like 1 ad in the whole mag (which is what u pay for basically). Also bought "Eternal Sunshine" on DVD the other day. Such a great film. Everyone should watch it...

Random (stupid) qoute "Old people should be shot at birth" :P

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