Thursday, July 22

Verbs, Verbs, Verbs

Started thinking about verbs the othe day and decided to take notes of the most useful ones. The ones i use often and hear often. Wrote them down and looked them up in Japanese. There are now like 40 new verbs in my notebook that i have to learn. And new ones are added everyday as they pop up in my mind. And they keeping coming, faster than i can beat them into my head at that. Some are harder than others to look up because they depend on other variables, i save them for later (like, do X in hope of Y, they exist). But i dont plan to learn them all in a week or anything...I'll just keep them in that file and then ill use them as i need them and hopefully they'll come in handy. Also i give them to my friends (the ones that know japanese) to make sure they're not ancient words, don't wanna walk around speaking like something out of their equivalent of shakespeare :)

Also, trying to look up adverbs as much as possible. They are quite useful i have come to understand ;) Enough with this language talk, im just babbling.

Other than sleeping, and japanese there's not much else going on here, unfortunately. Have sort of gotten into a routine but its more like "get up at around so and so time and then eat and then come up again and sit at the computer and see what happens", not very exciting. And if the weather is nice i go out and play with my friends ;) I would like to talk about something interesting here but im afraid i'll bore myself (and others) because i can't talk about politics and other "interesting" stuff. The reason? 1) because i don't know enough 2) because i don't think my opinions are very "out there" that they need to be discussed...enough? good. However, if there's something you especially want me to discuss i will, (can't think of anything anyone wud want me to discuss tho)

going out, ciao!

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