Sunday, December 19


Starting to look forward to going to japan again this spring. The ticket should be around £350 last time i checked and i think its very reasonable for travelling halfway around the world.

The preliminar plan is to stay in tokyo for a week and then take the bullet train to Osaka and stay there for a week aswell. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and this will be my second visit to Japan in less than 12 months. Just love that country, so much to see and the people are the nicest and most humble people on the planet. They will go miles out of their way to see you to your destination, it's crazy. And they'll do anything to practice their english, which can be a funny experience since you will get people starting conversations with you on the street. Won't happen as much in Tokyo as everybody seem so busy.

That's why i actually prefer Osaka, i hadn't been there for more than 10 minutes and this guy started talking to me. Turns out he's going to London to study for a few months. Very enjoyable, and extremely friendly people. The actual city has a funny smell about though, literally. The city smells. Apparently, Osaka was virtually bombed to bits during WWII so everything is very industrialised-ish. Very crammed and functional. The food and the attitude of the people more than make up for it though. So easy-going.

I can't wait to go back...

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