Sunday, September 5

1) Girls, selfish? 2) Japanese movies

1) In the club tonight and a girl comes up to me and asks me to buy her a drink. What do i do? I assess the situation and determine that she only wants the drink and doesnt give a fuck about me. I predict that she will get the drink chat for a 10 minutes or so and then excuse herself to go to the bathroom and then leg it. What happens? Just that...I realize it's folly on my side to go along with it. Why do i do it...last time a girl came up to me and asked for a drink i managed to pull her without buying her a drink. Never again will i buy a girl a drink if i can sense their true (evil) intentions. I have heard that this trick is used by many girls to get free drinks and it pisses me off. Especially if they just use the guys for that reason. I have been out the last few days and spent more money than i have the last 2 months. Gotta stop spending so much money, being social can be quite expensive you know! :D
Another observation i've made of female selfishness is on the road. If you're trying to change lanes and the car that u'r trying to cut in front of let's you pass you can be sure it's not a woman driving that car. Happened to me twice the last week and it pisses me off....come on, really, what is that all about. As soon as they see that u want to get in between they speed up and hug the car infront. This is a gigantic generalization but as far as i know/have seen it's true. And with the exception of my mum women arent very good drivers. I never really understood when men used to joke about womens driving. But i became very evident when i got my license and got some road experience. Don't get me wrong, there are some really crappy male drivers aswell. And these people are so scared of driving on the road that they're a hazard to themselves and other motorists. They shouldn't be allowed to drive.

2) If u get the chance watch the Dual project "fight to the death" films "2LDK" and "Aragami". Two really good films on the topic of "duel to the death". The movies were born out of a bet btw two well-respected japanese directors after a night of binge drinking. They're both quality movies and but i would have to say that "2LDK" is slightly better. You'll just have to watch and judge for yourself. The rules set out for the films were that 1) The were allowed a maximum of 3 characters 2) A small budget 3) 1 week to complete 4) A duel to the death. "2LDK" is about two models/actresses fighting it out and "Aragami" is a superb samurai face-off. Both very different movies but equally entertaining.

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