Monday, September 6

I'm happy

Im happy that ive finally found some places to go in Gothenburg that are actually quite fun. Im not happy about the fact that all good things happen just as your about to leave the country. Ive had more fun these last 3 weeks than ive had all summer (excluding Japan ofcourse). Meeting new people, having friends of from England all adds up to the evergrowing list of pros of my lovely city! Here's a list that won't make sense to you if you've never been here.

Monday: Måndagsklubben
Tuesday: Ici
Wednesday: Nefertiti
Thursday: Pusterviksteatern
Friday: Practically anywhere (nef anyone?)
Saturday: Nef or Sticky Fingers ( i prefer nef)
Sunday: ok, so sundays are not that much fun...but i cant think of anyplace that is fun on sundays really

So the fact that im having fun being in Sweden should be clear by now. And I can also say that i can't remember having this much fun while i was actually living here. The fact that i spend 6 months of the year away from here kinda puts everything in perspective. England is good aswell but the fact that clubs all shut at 2 am seriously limits the fun u can have. I mean just the fact that by the time u get out of the club and its starting to get light outside is nothing u will ever experience in leicester (unless u're into raves). And for some reason i dont think ive ever been so glad having swedish as my native tongue as now. That said, Im not very excited about the fact that I'll be in Leicester around this time on tuesday. I'm looking forward to seeing my friends but everything falls into the everyday routine so fast, it's quite depressing actually! And let's not get started about the weather. It takes alot of willpower to get your ass up and do the simplest things.

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