Sunday, December 12

weekend of mixed emotion

this weekend has been great, this weekend is seriously good...i was totally smashed on friday, was telling each and every person i met on the street (apparently) to fuck off, and also (?) asking them if they knew the truth?! Im sitting now in the dark in the living room (thanks to firas) contemplating recent events. What is right for me? Will i miss out, will it change, will she change?? I dont know and it's killing me. The point of this blog has become more obvious as i go along. things very personal you don't want people to know, yet its public and you know they will read it. Somehow the dichotomy in that is less disturbing than it should be. I mean, im writing this to make myself feel better, i could as easily just save it on my harddrive and no one would ever know. I don't know what im talking about,

this weekend was great, had all my best friends here which really does make one feel better. What is there in life that is better and more rewarding and fulfilling than truly good friends, girls can be such a hassle, but when it works it perfect, the reality is more grim than to let one enjoy the good moments forever. How often does your friend make u feel as shit as ur girlfriend could in a second? Im not making sense, these are just residual emotions of a talk we've already had and seems to have ended on a good note....yea, right, im in here spilling my guts and she's sleeping in the next room. This will all be over in the morning and i will have forgotten all about it. No point crying over spilt milk, right

until next time dear friends,

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