Wednesday, December 15

once more...

Had another post-meeting talk with maría about our little situation. I'm glad to say it ended on a good note, though it took some time and hesitation and times of both of us being quite hesitant of the whole thing. But i think we sorted out alot of our troubles and there shouldn't be anymore problems. I hear alot of differing opinions about my current relationship, alot of positive things and some negative, some pessimistic, some realistic and some optimistic. As i'm quite the optimist i tend to see things from an optimistic perspective most of the time. That applies to this as well. I think it will take alot of patience and quite some perserverense to keep this relationship afloat but im positive it will work out because im secure in the way i feel about her and the only thing that could set this shaking is our circumstances, not the way we feel about each other. Only time will tell what will become if this...i only wish we had more time with eachother. This could be something very good for both of us, and i think it's worth a shot in any case.

On a different note, went shopping today. Got new glasses, a new jacket and a sweater (that one also new :P). I needed a new jacket, been wearing a summer jacket for the last 2 years. Now (im afraid) its time to wear a winter jacket for awhile. I really like it though, so i will probably be wearing it as much as possible. It's a Levi and set me (well, my parents actually)about £100.

The battery for my PowerBook has gone from bad to worse, it seems i cant use it for more than 15-30m without running out, no matter what settings i apply. Might have to get a new battery very soon (no sooner than mid/late january though). Very bad timing since i just received the wireless access point, which was supposed to allow me to surf the net WITHOUT being bound to wires. Now im bound by wires carrying a different key necessesity for my precious PB. Curse u apple :P

It's too hot in here, won't fall asleep for awhile i think, i cant open the windows either. A sure way of catching a cold. Interchaning rather be too warm thank you very much. Better get to sleep...until next time!

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