Wednesday, November 7

in class today: first stabs at poems

my abscence of thought

sitting in class again,
mind is empty again,
speechless again, thoughtless.
boneless, spineless,

my expectations, their expectations,
his expectations, her expectations.

I have no thoughts, have I no thoughts,
why have I none?

when did they leave, why?
did I take you for granted,
were you not wanted?

sometimes you return, reminding me
were you ever only mine, only my own?

who do you belong to, to whom do you belong?
you come, and you go away,
why don't you stay?

the seeds of wonder

when you come I cower,
when you go I wonder,
right now I ask, but in my heart,
I know, I'm void.

sometimes I ponder,
I ponder what others might wonder
then, from under,
I am asunder.

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