Wednesday, November 7

fun shift

Had a really slow shift at work yesterday. From 13.30-22.00 and absolutely nothing happened. Had I known working would be this easy I would have started ages ago. The height of excitement was dinner and the evening snack around 7. Serve and then clean up! Superfun! I also attempted building a house of cards but it was more difficult than I had anticipated. I'll get it though, not an impossible project. I'm glad I finally have work though. If I'm lucky, I'll get that temp job at GAME as well, as you never know when you work next at the psych ward.

I've (re)started an old prjoect. It's been going very slowly. So slowly, in fact, that I'm starting to doubt it's actually moving in the right direction! I've taken some measures and plan on taking some more. Will keep you (read: myself!) posted on the progress.

There's this book on stress that someone has lying around the student psych clinic. I've been flipping through it and picking out some of my favourites. It's a little satire on the stress hype affliction of our society. Sarcasm is, possibly, the funniest kind of!

"Eat less fresh food. Eat more things containing preservatives. Preservatives are called preservatives because they help you live longer"

"Apply for jobs that are totally unsuited for you. Keep all the rejection letters to read whenever you start to feel good about yourself"

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