Saturday, October 6

Paparazzo: to be or not to be

SO i did get a bit intoxicated last night. BUT, only slightly, and from what I had bought previously from Systemet. Didn't get anything once i was inside.
All in all it was a pretty good night. Lots of people, lots of people I knew! Imagine that. We left a bit later than most, hit the club around 11, probably later than that. By the time we got there though there was a massive queue. Luckily we were on the guestlist (for the student union?) so we skipped the queue and didn't have to pay entry (40kr) woohoo. lol. Can't believe i get even a bit excited over that fact. That's what living UNDER the existential minimum does to you. Though i'm sure alot of people would take issue with me on that point.

I brought my camera and I tend to get quite trigger happy at times. When i got back i noticed i had taken just short of 400 photos! A few blurry ones since it was on manual focus and a few on total strangers. Given that you don't see people walking around with big arse digital SLRs that often in a club setting like this (not at the SU in Örebro anyway!) people thought i was taking photos for some major swedish paper. Made for some pretty entertaining fibbing.

If you want to see the photos of last night I suggest to you the easiest way, which is adding me on Facebook.

Feeling today? You know the feeling you get after a really tiresome and long workout where every muscle in your body is revolting against you? even in places you didn't know you had muscles! That could almost explain the pain I was in this morning. Just rolling over was painful.

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