Monday, January 1


New Year's was fun as always. What started out as an innocent little house party ended up in a funky night club in town. Went out to my mate's for a small get together for the turnover, after that we all went into town to hit some clubs. Luckily we were able to jump the queue, though i can't recalll the exact reason. One of those Sms tickets, which meant we didnt have to pay the 150sek entry! yay! So we're in there, dance for a bit, drink for a bit. I get separated from my group as usual. I met a classmate from my old class, we caught up a bit and had rather lenghty chat.
I ended up wandering around the club on my own for a while, then sat down in a chair somewhere. I must've looked extremely lonely or something cause this random guy comes up to me and asks me if i want to go to an afterparty...
I never give up a chance for random encounters with complete strangers so i accept his offer and we set off to his place, accompanied by his canadian wife (not to be mistaken for old peeps, they were my age). We finally arrive at the party and it's actually in a flat belonging to one of his mates. So we're 6 ppl drinking, chatting and generally have a merry ol time.
After the afterparty died down we headed back to theirs and hung out till noon the following day just having a laugh, looking at old photos, wedding albums etc! Genuinely cool people, I went by theirs later that day (i.e. still today) to hang out some more and watch some films. Hilarious Thumb films!
So people, if a random person ever comes up to you, take a chance, you never know. I've been very lucky so far in that I have only been pleasantly surprised by these random encounters.
Alot of random stuff happened last night, some of which left me rather confused and lost.
All in all though it was a good night!

Hurray for random nice people!


Arvin said...

mate, sounds like a great nite. Just be careful about wandering home to strangers, history can tell that not everyone are as lucky as you.. mostly they end up chopped to pieces. And then in retrospect the police read the dead mans blog in order to find the killers...So just to be extra cautious, leave their adress on this blog so we can find your remains faster.. have a good new year!

eM said...

lol yea, you're definately right. But i got a good feeling from them. If i hadn't i wouldn't have gone. I'm not sure of their exact address but somewhere in kortedala :P that should narrow down the search anyway! hope u had a good one too
