Wednesday, October 4


I'm stuck in a vicious circle that sucks all energy and motivation out of me and it refuses to let go. It used to be fun but now it's just a chore. The only reason for keeping it up is the thought of how much time and effort I've already put in it and it would feel like a waste to stop. Not stopping is more of a waste...

It has suspended my life, I dont take the time to take care of myself, my hobbies, my friends.

Should i stop? YES
Will I stop? YES....eventually

Addiction is a an extremely mythical being.


Föraren said...

Dude, 'the fuck you talking about?

FireArse said...

When I first read this, i thought you were describing your time at uni - however I'm now not so sure.

I'm with Nima on this, WTF are you blabberring on?


eM said...

World of Warcraft

Föraren said...

Oh lord... You need help

FireArse said...

I'm with Nima on this. Cancel the subscription. Macs are good for other things, you know this.

Do something creative, find a girl - Ben managed to pull himself away from it for a girl, just about. And she was french, and hot.

Miracles do happen.

eM said...

you make good points both you you :P

ben is actually still vey much in the game as far as i can tell :)

Ive managed to cut my time spent playing considerably by cutting raids (which take about 5h+ and ur commited , i.e cant just f** off)

Ive tried the cold turkey style of quitting but it doesnt stick. So im trying to ween myself off it now.

the main problem is to keep oneself from thinking too much about it.

FireArse said...

go cold turkey. Let it go. There should be support for people in your condition.

Raids? Feck raids. Online friends? What happened to chatting/chilling with the real friends you see and meet everyday?!

Boy, snap out of it, or I'll come over and bitch-slap you.

eM said...

convincing argument firas, i'll cancel my subscription right now *serious*

hope i dont regret this in the morning...

feel the withdrawal coming on already *eeeep*