Sunday, April 30

the cookie has gone bad!

Reading a truly fascinating book at the moment that deals with the very essence of our being, our consciousness and its origins. I'm infamous for totally destroying any description or story i attempt to tell so i will not try to explain what it's about but let me just say after reading a few chapters of this book you will start to rethink everything you know or think to know about human experience, history, religion etc etc...

It was recommened to me by a truly superb lecturer at the University of Leicester, an intelligent and great man, although abit eccentric (but isnt that a part of what makes good people great? :)), by the name of Julian Boon. He is a legend in his own right among psychology students here and it's great fun and always rewarding to be in one of his lectures. The book he recommends is part of the Psychology of Love and attraction module which he teaches. I'm yet to fully grasp the link between love and attraction and the subject matter of this book but im sure it will come to me when i start to read through the textbooks.

the book, if you are interested in reading it, is called "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind" and can probably be found at your local book shop if not you can follow the link i provided to get it from Amazon. I bought it from our Uni bookshop here and it cost me £5 so i can't imagine it costing that much on Amazon.

I can safely say that those £5 are the best £5 i've ever spent!

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