Friday, January 13

Of Late

Some stuff has happened that hasn't really affected me as they should've perhaps. Broke up with the girl, which I've been waiting to do ever since I pretty much started to dislike her when she came to Sweden over Christmas.

Mental note to self: never invite a girl back to Sweden when you don't really know her, bad idea.

Now that I think back on it I don't even know why, or how even, I started going out with her. She was ok looking, cute. Petite, skinny even. Very white skintone, no haircolour to speak of (though if had to choose I would probably say it was...the colour of..washed out brown, oversaturated brown even, not something i'd prefer). I'm more into full, dark brown or other full colours.
After a few encounters with her in the beginning it becomes obvious that she is a pretty shy girl, which at first is sweet but comes to be slightly annoying.
When she arrived in Sweden, i will not lie, i was late to the airshed (as i have decided to call Gothenburg City "Airport") because of a slight misunderstanding between myself and the itiniery. My parents were in the car and it was all good, the first day passed without any problems to speak of.
I think the annoyances started on the second day, can't remember exactly what started it. A variety of factors i would say. Her extreme politeness, as much as to pur herself in discomfort for the sake of not being rude (my mum gave her some clothes to put on as it was pretty cold outside, -10C, but she was too hot but when i told her she refused to take anything off), now people say that's very English, in my opinion that's very stupid. I just gave up trying to convince her my mum just wants her to be comfortable.
Another point to worth noting before i wrap this up is her unwillingness to engage in any kind of discussion, all she wants to do is drink her tea and watch tv or something. I even tried playing the devil's advocate a few times to get her engaged but it didn't really work as i'd intended. She asked me why i always wanted to argue, and i replied i wanted to have some, ANY, kind of discussion or debate with her, but my cries fell on deaf ears.

So those things and alot more contributed to the fact that we just ain't meant for eachother. She was raised in a small town outside of colchester in a strict, conservative family while i've been raised, for the majority of my life, in a city in a open loving and very liberal family with close-knit ties to one another. It was bound to fail.
For some reason though i think i had to get this out of the way, now i feel my next choice for a girlfriend will be much wiser and last hopefully more than the last ones have (2 months to be precise).

On a lighter note, I LOVE my new iMac G5! Very recently the new iMacs with Intel processors were released and i couldn't return it for one of those but i've been told, reassured even, that that was for the best at this stage. And what a beauty it is, the perfect personal computer. I also got the extended Apple Care package for it so i won't have to worry about anything after the first year has passed. It's usually £140 but if you purchase the Protection Plan at the same time as you order you get a massive discount (50% i think it is). So my new computer i bought for £850 including Apple Protection Plan and another £73 for an extra 1GB of RAM purchased from

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