Tuesday, October 23


My Powerbook has long been neglected. Ever since it was replaced by the bigger more powerful iMac. It makes me sad to say that I've neglected it's beauty and usefulness for far too long. But new times are a coming and it will be the start of a new era for my ol pal the PB 12". Oh yes! I've ordered (or should I say Firas has ordered, with his super apple staff discount! thanks man) a new battery which should kick some life into the machine. Been cleaning up the hdd and preparing it for a clean Os X Leopard upgrade on friday. The new battery will be in my hands mid november. Can't wait for it!

I'm also proud to announce my recent employment by the local hospital. I'll be working as a mental health "assisstant" on the closed ward. Hopefully! I've been bugging them for a part-time job for weeks and today I heard back from them. I'm meeting the lady in charge next week. I'm going to work my arse off this xmas! iPhone here I come! and great summer vacation too! muahaahaha. Mo Moneee fo meeee!


Anastasia said...

That's actually great! =D glad for u, Em! =D

FireArse said...

Yeah, the Staff Discount rules! Congrats on the job dude.