Friday, August 12

A long time ago

I used to write quite often here but recently i just haven't had the time nor energy to. The reason? It's summer and i'm enjoying if i had said that i would have been lying. The truth is that i'm just busy revising for some exams i failed earlier in the year. I totally deserve this so i won't complain.

While studying i've also been doing other stuff, socialising with friends not being one of them, but that's beside the point. Anyway, what have i been doing i hear you ask. Well, a number of things. First i have been listening to my brother's advice and about 2 weeks back i acquired (by means that are not of relevance here) the american tv show Lost . Anyone who's seen the show 24 and knows of it's addicitive potency should easily get an idea of what Lost is about. I'm not going to give you a synopsis here, just follow the link i provided for that, but i can honestly say that this show is the best thing i've seen since...since ever. 24 was a great show and is comparable to Lost but i the latter is in my opinion the better show. Not by far mind you. You'll just have to get hold of it and watch it to know what i'm talking about.
I even got my mum watching it and she's as addicted as i was. Unfortunately i finished watching it in a week or less so now im left with the withdrawal, and it's killing me! Luckily the second season starts airing in the US 21st September so the wait is not that long, thank god. What makes it such a good show? A great storyline, awesome characters and the layout of the episodes (mainly present time with flashbacks of each character's past leading up to the present, each episode deals with one or more characters) combined with great cinematography and a soundtrack perfectly tailored to fit the mood. Man, i sound like a movie critic or something. Bottomline: watch it :)

What else has been going on? Well i've been discovering some new music. Firstly, James Blunt. I heared one of his tunes on the radio driving back from the gym the other week and made a mental note of the name for later p2p checking. Didn't get around to it until a few days ago and was immediately mesmerised by the melodies and lyrics. This is totally up my street.
The other is a iranian-swedish girl (born of iranian parents, raised in sweden...and a bit in russia i think too) called Laleh. The site is both in english and swedish (i believe). She actually went to my highschool which is abit weird i think :) she was in the same year as my brother but in a different class. I also went to see her play here in the city last week and it was, to say the least, highly entertaining. Not just listening to her music but also the in between chitchat. She's quite goofy and crazy and as i'm often identified like that myself it's always nice to see a fellow goof make it :D I think you can listen to a few of her tunes (streamed) on her website, mostly notable is "Live Tomorrow".

Check it out!

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