Monday, January 31

One thing after the other

Just less than a week after i receive my new battery (for my PowerBook) my SuperDrive decides to malfunction. For what reason? I don't know...but what i do know is that it's going to cost me half a fortune to get it fixed. Now the big question is, how long can you go with a CD/DVD drive, i will attempt to answer that question. Not very long. Though longer than one would expect. It broke down today, after i wrote a CD....after which it decided it was going to spit out all CDs and DVDs i fed it. What a grumpy little prick! Just when things were starting to look brighter for me.

Will have to contact Subway for some regular shifts soon. My money pouch is getting too light and my expenses are creeping up on me, as well as my desires for saucy apple gadgets :P


but i have decided to wait buying that till i'm in Japan because they're like £20 cheaper.

I have also looked mobiles in Japan. For starters...they are way better than ours. And i want one, unfortunately they use a different network, one we really should be using. Japan and South Korea share (use the same type, whichever i dont know) this type of network and nowhere else as far as i know. Which isn't very far really. A handy solution for temporary visitors like me (not really long-term but more than a few weeks) is the Rent-a-Phone service they have there. u pay around Y11,000 for one month for the phone and Y110 per minute for talk time, which is not that unreasonable. That's why i have to start working at subway again. The freedom your own mobile gives u in a foreign country is great. I can give out my number to girls i meet, which i couldn't really do before. Giving my friend's mobile number to a stranger isn't such a good friend thing to do, in my opinion. But what the heck, this way you have a, cool might i add, mobile for a month and it's probably gonna come in handy travelling around with my mum, for making reservations beforehand etc.

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