Sunday, November 14

The novel that got emil reading again...

I never thought i'd feel like reading every minute of the day again. I used to devour books, mostly fiction. Nowadays it feels like a waste of time, though i also used to frown upon those who said that. But a solution has presented itself, books such as the one im reading now, "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown, that as well as being a very intruiging novel is also full of interesting facts. A very good example, the extremely fascinating phenomen of the "Divine Proportion", explained in detail in the story itself. I look forward to reading more books like this. I also want to read some books on specific events in history, like the Iran-Iraq war, all i know is what i have been told by my parents which unfortunately does not provide an unbiased retelling of the events. Nevertheless, the reason it all started interests me, along with the history of the Kurds. For some reason i want to know more about my linage and the history of where i come. I just hope i can squeeze this into my already tight schedule.
In less than a month now i will have completed the 20th year of my life here in this place. I can only say that this year has been full of surprises, mostly good, and i hope the next year will be equally as rewarding. I have grown as a person as well i think, for better or worse :D
Wouldn't change anything about myself or my life. Maybe i could study abit more but thats an ongoing problem so it doesnt fit in with the current topic :p

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