So now i'm back (in black). I'll first of all let you in on an update. It's been about 4 yrs since my last post (i think). I'm now working as a forensic psychologist at a prison for sex offenders in a town in Sweden. I have two kids (boy: 21 months, girl soon to be 2 wks) and a girlfriend. I suppose the order is rather: gf then kids. We were together for about 8 months before the first boy was conceived. It was planned. I was recently graduated and was working my first job as a (new) psychologist at a correctional facility (aka prison) when i met HER. We met at a party for the Youth Communist Party and the rest is history. I had recently joined and she was serving drinks at the bar. She was (is) hot and i asked her out (a few days later, on Facebook). Later she was to tell me she hardly remembers the day/night we met. She was drunk that night. I wasn't as much. She hit me square in the face with a mop, which she doesn't remember. She was introduced to me along with an (ex) friend of hers. More on that later. Anyhow, we met, I asked her out. And that episode in and of itself was characteristic of me in a way. I have as long as i can remember been a bit shy. But when it came to girls/ppl i was genuinely interested in i wasn't, at all. So i guess in a way i wasn't shy at all. When it comes to ppl I'm genuinely interested in, I'm quite comfortable and not shy at all. I can, in fact, be quite the sociable type. So this is what happened the night i met the future mother of my children. I was newly graduated, working, earning a decent wage but living in a small town a ways a way from my hometown. I lose myself. We met, had a few dates, invited her back to mine (which happened to be my bro's flat at the time), and then we were "going out". I can honestly say that this was the first gf i'd had where i genuinely felt that it was someone i had chosen. Chosen as in someone i felt that I was interested in, and not merely because she had showed interest in me first. This was something that had plagued me earlier in life (due to low self-esteem i suspect). Anyway, long story short. I now live in a town near Göteborg, small 3 room apt with two kids and a gf. I have a job i enjoy (meh, more on this later, I've had my doubts recently), a family (hasn't really sunk in yet) and a gf (more on why no wife later).
This was a hello post, a post to say I'm back and I finally have something to talk about again. It's been a few years and maybe this time i'll be able to write for a time, given i have something to write about. I started it again mostly because i want to write again. Not that i believe I'm any good at it, but merely because i feel its good for me, for my "soul". Ive also had doubts recently about my chosen profession and I felt i needed somewhere to air my thoughts!
Lights are flickering, bladder is calling. Need to return to reality.
Soon again!