lite intressant fakta som jag uppmärksammade när jag såg "The Last Castle" med Robert Redford tidigare ikväll. Historia är något av en av mina favoritämnen. Jag letar information mest på wikipedia, nätets bibliotek. Vanliga sök är stadsnamn och deras ursprung, stora figurer i historien och deras liv och leverne, blivit en del amerikanska namn på sistone, Thomas Jefferson, Washington, Franklin t.ex. Amerikansk historia är väldigt intressant faktiskt tycker jag. För det mesta kring statens begynnelse och vad och hur det gick till. Rent historiskt intressant tycker jag.
"There are a number of origins of the military greeting of saluting. In the age of chivalry the knights were all mounted and wore steel armour, which covered the body completely. When two friendly knights met it was the custom for each to raise the visor and expose his face to the view of the other. This was always done with the right hand, the left being used to hold the reins. It was a significant gesture of friendship and confidence, since it exposed the features and also removed the right hand from the vicinity of a weapon (sword). Also in ancient times the freemen of Europe were allowed to carry arms: when two freemen met, each would raise his right hand to show that he held no weapons in it and that the meeting was friendly."
- WOFF Chris Dunne,
Air Force Warrant Officer Disciplinary
Imagine if?
15 years ago