Yet again I've been missing for a long period of time but I am back. I'm not gonna run the whole "hopefully I'll be around longer this time" because, frankly, that shit just doesn't carry any weight at all. I write and blog whenever i feel like it and during some periods of my life i write more than others. Recently it's been a period of the latter. So what have i been up to then...
Well i'll do a bulletpoint version since my last post, which was just before my exams if i remember correctly
> Back in Sweden mid June-Beginning of July
> Spent 1 month in Thailand from Beg. of July till end July.
> Got my Bachelor's in Psychology
> Dossed about a lot after my vacation in Sweden doing f*** all
...and now i'm living in a Swedish city/town called Örebro where i've resumed my psychology studies start from the 3rd year on the 5yr program here. I just got my new flat today and moved all my stuff in just before i headed back to Gothenburg (where i'm presently writing this text).
The city seems nice and the people ive met sofar seem nice as well. Each cohort consists of about 40 people so it feels more like i'm back in Highschool than at Uni (as opposed to the UK format where you're one for 200 students).Everyone is on good terms with everyone else and more focus is on group project where u get cases to work on...bla bla bla.
Starting next semester i will get my placement, either in Örebro or in Gothenburg if i can find a good one. I'm really looking forward to that actually, finally i'm allowed to get in there and do some damage :P
oh well, enough for now...
Imagine if?
15 years ago