Thursday, October 20


not much to write about really. discovered that the uni computers can be used for p2p and i will be taking advantage of that to the fullest. Mostly to download the weekly episodes of Lost, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Rome and American Dad. I just realised what i've been doing, i hardly ever watch tv anymore. What i'm doing now is just watching what is best on tv and cutting out all the crap. Obviously i'm also weeding out some of the unnoticed good stuff, like the occasional interesting documentary or so. i think at one point in my life i actually thought tv was i don't. i guess ive just found other ways of wasting away my life.

And won't be getting a new psp. still considering getting an ipod video, now that the battery life is 20h what used to be the only flaw with the ipod is no more :) could be better but 20h (up to 20h!) is good enough for me...especially since my model (3rd gen) was only 8.

The time to make a choice for my dissertation title is drawing near and i think im just a tiny bit closer than before. Went in to talk with my supervisor on monday and he gave me some ideas and here i am, reading up on linguistics. It's very interesting. honest. :D

also been taking more photos and hitting the darkroom alot more. i stopped before mostly because i didn't have access to one but now that my flatmate has shown me the DMU darkrooms i'm in and out more than him ;) and its great fun. Been to a few places and i'm quite happy with the results to be honest. i think if this whole psychology thing falls through i will give my photography a shot, or even if i continue doing psychology. would be interesting to see how far i could get.

will be putting up a new website with all my work soonish, will see when i can find the time to finish what i've started on it. spent 3h thinking of ideas for the layout and design and changed it so many times, i ended up with a simple text with my name.

you can find what i've done sofar here. If i ever get it up and running i will get a domain name sorted.

Wednesday, October 12

moving from A to B

My iPod has gone from bad to worse and im in need of a replacement. I was looking at the new iPod Nanos but i'm not really sure. The new sony psp's look alot nicer and you can do alot more with them. Watch videos, listen to music, play games and alot more and getting one imported works out cheaper than getting one here, plus the sleak white ceramic coloured ones aren't available here yet (see picture).

All in good time, found out today that my student will be arriving on monday next week. Add another three days for wiring the money from sweden to UK i should have it by wednesday next week. Then i can look at things from a more serious POV. There are a few from eBay but i'm always abit suspicious when buying stuff from there. If i get it myself and get it sent here i know its not a scam and all that.

I'm falling ill again! damn you arvin!!! >(

Saturday, October 8



Long time ago i posted. Thought i'd keep you up to date with stuff that has been happening lately. Will keep it short as not much has happened. Ben and Myles came up last week for fresher's week and we all went out a couple of times and got totally smashed which was great fun. We went to the student union one night which i don't recall but it was fun by the accounts of the others that were there. Had an incredibly bad hangover the day after. On that monday we went to Zanzibar which wasn't bad owing only to the fact that i had one of my oh-so-emil-specific near-hits with a girl. The story goes as follows.

boy dances with friends
boy sees girl, girl smiles
boy smiles
boy goes to girl
boy and girl chat for awhile
boy gets good vibes from girl
girl tells boys she likes iranian guys
boy gets more good vibes
girl pinches boy
boy thinks this cannot go wrong
boy and girl go to bar and get drinks
girl goes to bathroom
boy waits
girl doesn't come back
boy looks for girl only to find girl with another boy
boy gives up and goes home
boy sad

so that's pretty much what happened, the whole scenario stretched across about half an hour or so. I can't really say how long, to me it felt like alot longer. But what can you do eh, life goes on. Suppose i should concentrate on my studies more this year as i barely made it past my last year.

What else, no internet as of yet in my room so i have to come to the library or go to a friend's place which sucks. How can you live without the internet. it's ok for a few days after which you run out of things to do and watch. My computer feels so lifeless without it.

Also watched the last few episodes of friends last night. I'd forgotten how funny it was. One of the few shows that can make me laugh out loud when watching it alone. And that is quite an accomplishment.