Now is the time to start thinking about exams again. For those of you who didn't know, i am one of the lucky people able to attend the resits in September for my two january exams. For this privilege i have had to cut my summer vacation short by about 2 months. I wouldn't change a thing. My life is perfect (sarcasm in all its glory)
I hear you ask why, well. I have in my life never failed an exam (except for that one physics exam in high school :D) and the ones i failed in january failed to light my arse on fire (much like the failed physics exam did). Usually what a failure manages to accomplish in me is to awaken this incredible passion for study and learning that unfortunately only lasts for a couple of days, one week tops, after which i return to normal. This time however i have acutally come to realise the seriousness of the consequences if i am to fail these exams. 1) I am kicked out 2) I am "allowed" to redo the year. Out of these two alternatives i naturally dread the former. The latter allowing me atleast a second (technically third) chance. Suffice it to say that i will be spending the next 7 weeks with my face buried within heaps and heaps of books about child development, intelligence, memory, visual perception, abnormal and other types of psychology :D wouldn't you just love being me right now??..huh??
Japanese is going good, my latent learning method has proven useful for this period of inactivity as i really haven't forgotten much since i was last in Japan. Listening to music and mailing friends in japan is keeping me updated and learning new words. I had planned to finish my textbook during the summer but due to recent events i don't know when i'll be able to. But i will ganbarimasuuuu (do my best) :D
Imagine if?
15 years ago