Just came back from GALA casino and i'm very happy...why? I won ofcourse, how much? £25, that's like 5h work and i'm quite happy about it. I played only the Blackjack tables, only place i feel i have some control over what the fuck is going on. Though much of it is luck, there's more skill involved in BJ than say roulette.
Sandra's brother, Thomas, is up in Leicester for a few days visiting his sis and he's staying at the house with everyone else it would seem :D Have arvin staying here, as well as sandra. This is probably the only time i have had any guests of my own since i moved in.
Been reconsidering a career in Psychology. Went to the careers advice office the other day and had a look at some folders and stuff on prospective...things one can do after graduating and nothing really appealed to me to be honest. Have been thinking of doing either a postgraduate in something or just another degree once finished. Architecture has always fascinated me, the designing and construction of buildings has always boggled my mind, and i think i would be good at it. It would however mean that i will have to study for another 3, probably 5-6 years and thus the problem of financing arises. The swedish student loans company only grants loans for 5 years. Seeing as I've already used up 4 of those 5 by the time I graduate means i only have one more year to spare. That and the fact that tuiton fees will be tripled when the time comes for me to start my second degree, who will pay i wonder. If i can get the support of my parents then I'm sorted but perhaps a very nice (:D) sibling will be so nice to his younger brother as to support him financially, i can only hope.
All this providing i even get into Architecture. But i do think i would like it, i think it will give me a chance to express my creative and artistic side as opposed to my weaker analytical one(?), can only hope. If i decide to do that i will have to start building a portfolio, what that is supposed to contain i'm not sure yet. But i have emailed some people and hopefully soon i will get some answers.
Until then,
Imagine if?
15 years ago