Tuesday, August 31


The power adapter for my powerbook has been acting up lately and I finally got my shit together and called Apple. The one-year warranty is still valid it seems. Anyway, cutting a long story short, my salvation is in the mail and should be here either tomorrow or the day after. Being without my computer has proved more difficult than i thought. Especially since i discovered "collaging" which is extremely satisfying and fun. But it feels like my whole life has come to a stop and i don't think i like this dependance. I haven't been totally without access which should be obvious as Im writing this. But it's on my mum's PC with the stupid and awkward keyboard. I want my PowerBook keyboard. This one is too big and its noisy as hell. The PowerBook keyboard is a work of art...just big/small enough, smooth, silent....i type alot faster on my mac than here. These bulky keyboards shud be made illegal.

As i might have mentioned before i have discovered how to play mp3-quality music on the site, I'm still considering whether i should or not. I don't have any interesting music on this computer so I'll definately wait until i get my mac up and running again.

For those of you who know me I am what you would call "Jack of all trades, master of none" which I've been trying to get out of for some time now. I want one hobby/thing i can concentrate on and do my best with. I just can't seem to make up my mind and now all these new things start popping up. Among others there is my drawing, miniature painting, photography, japanese, 3d and now lately translation and collage. I'm starting to feel that Im being spread too thin and not receiving enough (or any) rewards from any of the things i do. It's quite depressing actually. I'm usually good at fixing other people's problems but I'm completely hopeless when it comes to sorting out my own life...and i want to be a psychologist, if i continue like this i'll end up being one of those psychologist-turned-psycho we hear about all too often.

Sunday, August 29

2nd draft of "Tokyo"

The blog became abit crowded with the two versions of "Tokyo" so I decided that I'd use the 2nd draft. I can't make any more for awhile now, mostly because i me power adapter doesnt work for my powerbook. Probably have to buy a new one (expensiiiive), bu ti dont have any choice. I also discovered how to add music (mp3 quality to ur webpage/blog), u just add a simple tag. u might have noticed already. This is just a test before i unleash my whole mp3 collection on your sorry asses, muahahaha
I added some random text at the bottom, think it fills it out abit better...

Saturday, August 28

Abstract Schmabstract

Totally bored today just waiting to go to the party, hmm...sat down and played with some photos, thought i'd try doing one of those abstract collage pictures. This is how it turned out:


It was actually quite fun doing this piece, u just sit there and play with all the photos u have and hopefully something nice comes out of it. I kinda like it! ;)

Exercise & Stuff

My body is weird...I exercise like hell for the longest time, like go running three times a week for two weeks (just an example, ive been running longer ;), i dont see any changes until i stop running for a week! How do i know? I havent been able to run for a couple of days now due to a common cold ive had. And now i noticed that ive actually lost weight. Im on the 70 mark, and last time i was here i looked very sick. (bad eating habits + fervorant exercising). Now i dont look sick, ive gained muscle everywhere and i eat what i want to eat and drink beer and other spirits. But i go running! I think its the healthiest thing u can do, and its fun if u have music. U have to have music. In less than a year Ive broken 1 1/2 of earphones ( i think the new onew i bought in japan are starting to give in to all the stomping and throwing around) which has to be a record somewhere. I have to start taking better care of my things.
+ I just bought the second volume (and last) volume of my text book so i have loads of new grammar ahead of me. One trick with grammar i have found is that if i browse thru the book now and again and read about the grammar two-three lessons ahead i rememer it better when im actually at that lesson and its easier to understand. Mostly because i mightve heard it in one of the many J-dramas i watch (purely for its educational value ofcourse ;)). Japanese grammar must be one of the easiest in all linguistic history, whats all this fuss about japanese being difficult?? yes, its difficult but not more than any other language. Have U tried learning french??! Its bloody hard, that is...end of story! A week of all partying is coming up soon, have to get ready for that. Starts today actually, going to a friends "moving out" party. The guy is going to Poland to study medicine, good luck john! hope u make it! Another funny thing ive noticed talking to japanese about learning japanese (and this might be true for any language), they make it out like japanese is really difficult and only native japanese can speak it to its perfection. Which i think is true for other languages aswell. If u werent raised in sweden u might not be able to play with the language to the extent of natives. Which i have discovered to be very fun indeed. I love languages! The only thing about japanese is that the whole "respect" thing colors and forms the language into what it is. Layers upon layers of social standing and politeness towards ur peers and seniors, make it impossible to forget who and what you are. A love and hate relationship does grow out of liking japan. But i think understanding why it is so makes it easier to melt. And also, arent love and hate relationships the best and most fulfilling ones?

Friday, August 27

Finding Places

I have finally found some good places in gothenburg to frequent.

which has actually been around for a while but i have never gone because of the expensive cover and the shitty DJ's they have (CD djs and just generally noy very good). And there are alot of fit girls at nef on wednesdays, I dont know about the other days cuz i went on a wednesday this week.

Also a very chilled out club, a tad small perhaps, with good DJ's (i think, i will have to go again and make a new judgement). And as always, pretty girls! They play swedish and foreign hiphop, RnB and other funky "black" music. Good music, a tad warm and chilled atmosphere makes this place the place to be on Tuesdays.

A good place to have a few drinks before going out is this new place on The avenue called "Diamond Dogs". They have a 3 for 1 on drinks and 2 for 1 on meals all day. 3 shots, 14kr each...thats VERY cheap in sweden! So, in summary, we have (sofar) Ici on Tuesdays, Nefertiti on wednesdays and for all day pre-drinking Diamond Dogs ( which has a age limit of 23).

Tuesday, August 24

I have a sore throat

AAAAaaaarghhhhh...I hate having a sore throat!! Why oh why do we get stupid sore throats (rhetorical Q). Guests arriving today, just want to die because of this stupid burn in my throat...DIE I SAY;DIE.
Drink alot of water they say, so I'm gonna do exactly what "they" say this time and maybe i'll get better faster. And have u ever noticed how you tend to swallow a million times more often when u have a sore throat? Weird isnt it...hmmm. Ur body's probably reminding u that u have a sore throat. stupid body.

Monday, August 23

Emil & Friends in Stockholm

Hello there folks,
Came back from the capital yesterday night after a very enerving car ride. Nightdriving is potentially crazy and extremely dangerous! The actual reason for going to Stockholm was to attend a wedding. Which was painfully boring, so arvin two german guys and I escaped into S-holm city to partiii...and we ended up in "The Spy Bar", which is one of the "in" clubs/bars in stockholm. Don't ask me how we got in, just speak english and you're in (hopefully). I didnt even have my ID on me...The club was ok, little older ppl there tho...I wud say the majority were f25+ and m25-27+ so there was not much going on in that section. But there were some pretty nice girls there. Was fun , all in all. Now I'm back, home sweet gothenburg ;) Actually stockholm wasnt much different from stockholm...it was like being in a part of Gothenburg uve never seen before.

About the age thingie, sometimes u get lucky, sometimes u dont...dress maturely and u might not even get carded. That's life here in sweden and it can be very frustrating!

Friday, August 20

20 and TOO young!!

Ok, tonight it happened again...i got turned away from a bar because of my age! ONLY in sweden will this happen...I can almost garranty (fuck the spelling, im tipsy) you that. If ur a girl, no probs, u can be 16 and still come in anywhere no matter what. But if ure so "unlucky" as to be a boy/man u can be denied entry even at the age of 25. This is usually what it looks like at ur average club/bar in sweden: f22/m25...in every club/bar u go to, there must be a logic to it. Girls attract boys, but we dont want boys that dont spend money so fuck the young ones, we want the older money-making ones. So sorry! Whats that about?? Seriously, i'm seriously developing a love-hate relationship with this country! why must it be this way...i can only wonder

Thursday, August 19

I, Robot (and me)

Saw "I, Robot" yesterday. Okay flick...I'll watch pretty much anything if it has to do with science fiction so I might not be the most unbiased person. But this whole robot-human concept intrigues me and to be honest scares me abit. I watched "The Second Renaissance", the animatrix short, a while back and that was probably one of the few movies ive watched in total silence all my life. It was a movie, but watching it you got this feeling that that could very well come become reality. I think the most scary thing about robots is that they dont have any emotions. I'm not gonna evolve on that because my own thoughts are so scattered I'm afraid I'll lose my point again ;) I might pick up and read some of Isaac Asimov's shorts on the subject.

Wednesday, August 18

Nothing to Blog about...

The reason, i have discovered (and been told numerous people), for me being a lousy storyteller is one of two, 1) If its a funny story then i will get fits of laughter and u will have to patch up my broken sentences yourself to hopefully make a comprehensable (input language) sentence. 2) I get so caught in the actual storytelling that i lose the point of the story, and sometimes (most times) my storys lack a point/punchline, hence they tend to be not so good. But i have come to think about this, what is a "point"...maybe that's my "thing". I don't do points, or my points are so deeply buried in my story that i myself lose track of them by the end of it. Okay, I've lost myself now...let me rephrase!

I sometimes tell people stuff randomly, stuff that I'm thinking about...These "random" thoughts are not random to me because my thoughts are, at any given time, racing. I can't hold a topic for a long period of time. Say we're talking about bows & arrows for some reason and the conversation stops. While other peoples silences may mean that they are contemplating the subject, my mind is already contemplating the next subject or something that i find odd. Ok, still not clear eh? neither am i...

here's a common conversation with me:

Other: the party last nite was really good guys, we should do it again soon...
Emil: have u ever seen pigeons babies? They're never around are they...
Others: totally confused, emil ur the most random person in the world

It may seem like randomness to outsiders but to me its just thinking. You could say i have a short thinking span, or sth like that! And that doesnt equal "stupid" :P

Monday, August 16

Kanin fest etc...

Been out everyday the last three days after a huge party gap. The one last nite was by far the best one...I can't even remember the other ones. It was THAT good! Drunk, truckloads of pretty girls and good music together with cool people...supergood! I was to drunk to know where the hell my camera was, apparantly my brother was walking around with it taking pics with random fit girls :D Hope this wasnt the last one...

Wednesday, August 11

Tokyo Style in Gothenburg

Today marks the start of "Tokyo Style in Gothenburg", a kind of mini-festival celebrating the urbanism of tokyo and all the strange things going on there. Should be very exciting. It's a "mini" festival because there's a bigger festival going on in Gothenburg at the moment (which isnt very exciting) called "Göteborgskalaset", i.e. The Gothenburg Festival. Loads of people on the streets doing not much except drinking beer and chatting. The adults sit in pubs/bars and drink and the youth sit outside pretty much everywhere and drink. Same thing every year, gets old fast! But this year is different ;) If you're interested they've put up a blog (several actually, both in swedish and english, blogging from Gbg and Tokyo).

Tokyo style i Göteborg
Click the "BLOG" link at the bottom or navigate using the scrollbars

It starts in less than 3hrs. Im heading out there with two friends to check it out, one fellow japanophile and a another who's heard good things about it from other friends (from Stockholm, where the festival started out). Goes on for three days (11-13th aug) and there's loads to do and see, they show anime and japanese movies at a cinema nearby aswell. I've already seen most of the films they're showing so maybe i'll just hang out at the festival. Anyway, you can read more on the site...

I need to rest for awhile,

Tuesday, August 10

"Who needs Hell when pain like this exists on earth..."

Comics, comics, comics...i have recently realized I'm a shit story-teller, written and spoken. I couldn't tell a story to save my life, I'm that crap! And don't ask me to retell a joke, I will rip it apart and u will never enjoy that joke for the rest of your life. I wonder what brought my lack of story-telling on, im pretty sure its genetic but my parents both have a nack for telling good storys. How did i end up with this complete and utter lack of writing ability?? Tell me someone...

What does this have to do with comics? Nothing i guess...well, i've been reading some comics recently and it just got me thinking. Writing talent wanted, reward given! (some more drawing skill wouldn't hurt either)

Tuesday, August 3

"I have become death..."

Was out shopping today. As i was waiting for my jeans to be sown up i went to a bookstore and flipped through some photography books. Came across a piece about atomic bomb tests in Nevada, US. If my horrible memory serves me right, the picture was of the first bomb test after which the creator had said, and this really moved me when i read it:

"I have become death, the destroyer of worlds".

I believe it was a qoute from a text on Indian mythology or Hinduism (or something of the kind).

Sunday, August 1

Zero Effect

Just saw this truly amazing film on TV. "Zero Effect", starring Bill Pullman and Ben Stiller (one of my favourite actors). My words do not do the film justice. Here are a few, which i found, interesting qoutes from the movie:

"There are no good guys and there are no bad guys....there're just guys!" - Arlo (Stiller)

"What doesn't kill you, defines you" - probably said before this movie so I'm not gonna bother writing down the girls name that said it. I dont even know so it's for the best anyway.

"A person can't escape his nature" - Daryl Zero (Pullman)

Google it!